Fly Stress-Free To Your Next Adventure

Posted on April 12, 2019 in

Because stress is the one thing you should never pack before a flight!

Traveling has two aspects — on one hand, prepping for your flight and packing all your favorite essentials is pure bliss and the excitement oozes thinking about stepping foot in unexplored areas, and then on the other, there is stress thinking about boarding a plane.

The anxiety.

The stress.

The nerves.

Come and give your body rest at Silver City Mountain Resort. Located amongst the giant Sequoias, this is the heartbeat of mother nature and a place you’ll find renewal — you just have to get here first! If you’re an anxious flyer, remedy the stress and avoid a meltdown as you sink deeply into flight hacks that are like drinking a whole bottle of lavender.

Get To Your Sequoia Vacation Calmly!

Many of us are anxiety-inclined when it comes to flying — the early years it was a breeze and something we looked forward to, and then as we get older and adult more, flying can be outright terrifying.

So, what can we do to ditch the stress and not panic over every little bump and thump while flying? Let’s marinate in some helpful tips that will hopefully make your next flight go by a little faster.

Find your peace.

There is a lot to be said about fear and anxiety and how to cope with these very real issues, yet sometimes you just have to learn to let go and find peace however you can. Before your flight, read some poetry by Yung Pueblo or look up impermanence, it may help soothe the tension.

Prepare for the stress.

There are events and situations that trigger stress and anxiety and sometimes we’re not even aware of it. So, first think about what may elevate your stress levels before you even hit the plane.

Is it airport parking, the long lines at security, or the mass amount of people? Whatever it may be, visualize yourself moving through it effortlessly and leave yourself enough time to not have to fret about the little things that come before take-off.

Carry on the comfort.

Bring the hygge to you! What is hygge? Really it’s about creating a warm, inviting atmosphere — ambiance is everything. Pack things in your carry on that elevate your in-flight experience. Things like a silk, lavender-scented eye mask for sleep, a buttery-soft blanket, slippers, your favorite tea, and a book that takes you away.

Support your health.

It may be easy to order glass after glass of wine or drink all the in-flight soda, but be a little more discerning on your flight and support your body. Pack a greens drink powder that you can easily mix with water or your favorite indulgent, yet healthy snack.

Don’t get lost in your stress.

Stress is not an event, it’s a part of our internal landscape, which is why it’s so easy to get lost in. At the end of the day, remember, you have more control over than it than you think. One of the best things to do is to remember that things will happen — your flight will be delayed, you may experience an emergency landing, the turbulence may be worse than predicted. All these things are out of your control, so focus on the little things that can help you get through the flight.


Try enjoying your next flight, and, as always, keep the GABA and extra wine at arm's length!


We’re excited for the upcoming season at Silver City Mountain Resort! Book your stay and hop that plane with ease today!
